Physical Education


Physical Education and Health for Class 11th on CBSE Curriculum


This book under the title of ‘Physical Education and Health’ is being presented on the basis of New Senior School Curriculum for Class XI. and the field of education, the study of Physical Education and Health occupies a significant place.
We firmly believe that this book, while dealing with subjects in their speciality and their practical utility, will go a long way to satisfy the needs of students.


Latest Senior School Curriculum of Physical Education
Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi
Class XI (Theory)
Max. Marks 70                                                            Periods : 180

Unit I-Changing Trends & Career in Physical Education

  • Meaning & definition of Physical Education
  • Aims & Objectives of Physical Education
  • Career Options in Physical Education
  • Competitions in various sports at national and international level
  • Khelo-India Program

Unit II-Olympic Value Education

  • Olympics, Paralympics and Special Olympics
  • Olympic Symbols, Ideals, Objectives & Values of Olympism
  • International Olympic Committee
  • Indian Olympic Association

UnitIII-Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

  • Meaning & Importance of Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
  • Components of physical fitness and Wellness
  • Components of Health related fitness

Unit IV-Physical Education & Sports for CWSN (Children With Special Needs- Divyang)

  • Aims & objectives of Adaptive Physical Education
  • Organization promoting Adaptive Sports (Special Olympics Bharat; Paralympics; Deaflympics)
  • Concept of Inclusion, its need and Implementation
  • Role of various professionals for children with special needs (Counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Physical Education Teacher, Speech Therapist & special Educator)

Unit V-Yoga

  • Meaning & Importance of Yoga
  • Elements of Yoga
  • Introduction – Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas
  • Yoga for concentration & related Asanas (Sukhasana; Tadasana; Padmasana & Shashankasana, Naukasana, Vrikshasana (Tree pose), Garudasana (Eagle pose)
  • Relaxation Techniques for improving concentration – Yog-nidra

Unit VI-Physical Activity & Leadership Training

  • Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader
  • Creating leaders through Physical Education
  • Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding)
  • Safety measures to prevent sports injuries

Unit VII-Test, Measurement & Evaluation

  • Define Test, Measurement & Evaluation
  • Importance of Test, Measurement & Evaluation In Sports
  • Calculation of BMI & Waist – Hip Ratio
  • Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
  • Measurement of health related fitness?Meaning & definition of Physical Education

Unit VIII-Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology in Sports

  • Definition and Importance of Anatomy, Physiology & Kinesiology
  • Function of Skeleton System, Classification of Bones & Types of Joints
  • Properties and Functions of Muscles
  • Function & Structure of Respiratory System and Circulatory System
  • Equilibrium – Dynamic & Static And Centre of Gravity and its application in sports

Unit IX-Psychology & Sports

  • Definition & Importance of Psychology in Phy. Edu. & Sports
  • Define & Differentiate Between Growth & Development
  • Developmental Characteristics At Different Stages of Development
  • Adolescent Problems & Their Management

Unit X-Training and Doping in Sports

  • Meaning & Concept of Sports Training
  • Principles of Sports Training
  • Warming up & limbering down
  • Skill, Technique & Style
  • Concept & classification of doping
  • Prohibited Substances & their side effects
  • Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse

Practical Max.                                                                              Marks 30

  1. Physical Fitness Test                   – 6 Marks
  2. Proficiency in Games and Sports (Skill of any one Game of choice from the given list*)    7 Marks
  3. Yogic Practices          7 Marks
  4. Record File **         5 Marks
  5. Viva Voce (Health/ Games & Sports/ Yoga)    5 Marks
    * Athletics, Archery, Badminton, Boxing, Chess, Judo, Shooting, Skating, Swimming, Taekwondo, Tennis, Aerobics, Gymastics, Rope-Skipping, Yoga, Bocce & Unified Basketball [CWSN (Children With Special Needs – Divyang)]

**Record File shall include:

Practical-1: Labelled diagram of 400 M Track & Field with computations.
Practical-2: Computation of BMI from family or neighbourhood & graphical representation of the data.
Practical-3: Labelled diagram of field & equipment of any one game of your choice out of the above list.
Practical-4: List of current National Awardees (Dronacharya Award, Arjuna Award & Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Award)Practical-5: Pictorial presentation of any five Asanas for improving concentration                             


Chapter 1 — Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education (9-33)
1.1. (a) Meaning of Physical Education  (9)
1.1 (b) Definitions of Physical Education (11)
1.2 (a) Aims of Physical Education (12)
1.2 (b) Objectives of Physical Education (12)
1.3. Career Options in Physical Education (14)
1.4 Competitions in various sports at National and International level (21)
1.5 Khelo India Programme (26)
1.5 (i) Vision (26)
1.5 (ii) Mission (26)
1.5 (iii) Khelo India Objectives (26)
Chapter 2 — Olympic Value Education (34-53)
2.1 (a) Definition of Olympic Games (34)
2.1 (b) Paralympics Movement (40)
2.1 (c) Special Olympics Bharat (41)
2.2 (a) Olympic Symbols (42)
2.2 (b) Olympic Ideals (43)
2.2 (c) Objectives of Olympic (44)
2.2 (d) Values Through Olympic (44)
2.3 International Olympic Committee (IOC) (46)
2.4 Indian Olympic Association (IOA) (49)
Chapter 3 — Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle (54-68)
3.1 Meaning and Importance of Physical Fitness,Wellness and Lifestyle (55)
3.1 (a) Meaning of Physical Fitness (55)
3.1 (b) Meaning of Wellness (56)
3.1 (c) Meaning of Lifestyle (57)
3.2 (a) Components of Physical Fitness (59)
3.2 (b) Components of Wellness (62)
3.3 Components of Health Related Fitness (63)
Chapter 4 — Physical Education and Sports for CWSN (69-91)
4.1(a) Aims and Objectives of Adapted Physical Education (69)
4.2 Organizations Promoting Adaptive Sports (72)
4.2 (a) Special Olympics Bharat (72)
4.2 (b) Paralympics Movement (74)
4.2 (c) Deaflympics (77)
4.3 Concept of Inclusion, Its Need and Implementation (80)
4.3 (a) Concept of Inclusion (81)
4.3 (b) Need of Inclusion (81)
4.3 (c) Implementation of Inclusive Education (82)
4.4 Role of Various Professionals for Children with Special Needs (83)
4.4 (a) The Role of the Counsellor for the Children for the Special need (84)
4.4 (b) Occupational Therapist (84)
4.5 (c) The Role of Physiotherapist for Special Children Needs (85)
4.5 (d) Role of Physical Education Teachers for Children with Special Need (86)
4.5 (e) Speech Therapist (87)
4.5 (f) Role of Special Educator for Special Children (88)
Chapter 5 — Yoga (92111)
5.1 Meaning and Importance of Yoga (92)
5.2 Elements of Yoga (94)
5.3 Introduction to – Asanas, Pranayam, Meditation & Yogic Kriyas (96)
5.3 (a) Asana (96)
5.3 (b) Pranayama (97)
5.3 (c) Meditation (98)
5.3 (d) Yogic Kriyas (99)
5.4 Yoga for Concentration and Related Asanas (101)
5.5 Relaxation Techniques for Improving Concentration yog nidra (106)
Chapter 6 — Physical Activity and Leadership Training (112-125)
6.1 Leadership Qualities and Role of Leader (112)
6.2. Creating Leaders through Physical Education (114)
6.3 Meaning, Objectives and Type of Adventure Sports (116)
6.4 Safety Measures to prevent Sports Injuries (122)
Chapter 7 — Test, Measurement and Evaluation (126-138)
7.1 Define Test, Measurement and Evaluation (126)
7.2 Importance of Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Sports (128)
7.3 calculation of BMI and waist- Hip-Ratio (130)
7.4 Somatotypes (Endomorphic, Mesomorphic and Ectomorphic) (132)
7.5 Measurement of Health Related Fitness (134)
Chapter 8 — Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology in sports (139-160)
8.1 Defining Anatomy, Physiology and kinesiology It Importance (139)
8.2 Function of Skeletal System, Classification of Bones and Types of Joints (142)
8.3 Function and Structure of Muscles (152)
8.4. (1) Function and Structure of Respiratory System (154)
8.5.1 Equilibrium—Dynamic and Static and Centre of Gravity and its Application in Sports (156)
Chapter 9 — Psychology and Sports (162-174)
9.1 (a) Definition of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports (162)
9.1 (b) Importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports (163)
9.2 Define and Differentiate Between Growth and Development (164)
9.3 Developmental Characteristics at Different Stage of Development (166)
9.4 Adolescent Problems and their Management (170)
Chapter 10 — Training and Doping in Sports (175-198)
10.1 Meaning and Concept of Sports Training (176)
10.2 Principles of Sports Training (177)
10.3 (1) Warming up and limbering down (180)
10.4 Skill, Technique and Style (183)
10.5 Concept and Classification of Doping (186)
10.6 Side Effects of Prohibited Substances (192)
10.7 Dealing with alcohol and substance abuse (193)
Model Test Paper 199-204




Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 23 × 18 × 1 cm

Dr. A.K. Srivastava & Dr. N.K. Gaur







No. of Pages



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