

Information Technology Class – IX (Code- 402) CBSE


Part A – Employability Skills
• Communication Skills * Self Management Skills * Basic ICT Skills * Interpreneurial Skills * Green Skills.
• Frame standard sentences in English for introducing yourself, greeting others, expressing about your family, telling time, asking questions, describing weather, expressing likes and dislikes, inviting people, etc.
Part B – Vocational Skills
• Describe the role and functions of various parts of computers and ability to perform touch typing.
• Demonstrate the use of various, hardware and software in basic operation, such as creating and managing files and folder, changing display, and mouse properties, using Internet and world wide web, using digital media devices.
• Demonstrate the use of LibreOffice Writer with LibreOffice Cale word processor, spreadsheet program, digital presentation start with LibreOffice Impress, opening and operating an email account, preventing hard from natural and human threats
• Introduction to IT-ITeS Industry • Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills
• Digital Documentation (Elementary & Advanced) with
• LlibreOffice Writer • Digital Documentation and Electronic Spredsheet (Elementary & Advanced) with
• LibreOffice Cale • Database Management System(DMS) With LibreOffice Base
• Managing Health and Safety


Every child of today needs to be groomed in such a manner that he/she is confident to use Information Technology tools to simplify his/her day to day work at home and in the profession he/she pursues in future. The IT knowledge imparted should be such that it does not become irrelevant, when a new version of software or hardware is introduced. This book of ours is an effort in this direction to lay down a strong Foundation of IT in the minds of students at secondary level. IT presents Open Office Tools and basic IT concepts in an extremely simplified manner keeping in view of his/her continuous and comprehensive learning. IT also takes care of continuous and comprehensive evaluation to ensure the level of understanding in the process of Learning.
The Book is divided into two Sections: Part A and Part B. Part A comprises Communication Skills, Self Management Skill, Basic ICT Skills, Entrepreneurial Skills and Green Skills, Part B consist of Introduction to IT-ITes industry, Data Entry and Keyboarding Skills, Digital Documentation, Electronic Spreadsheet and Digital Presentation.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development has launched the National Skills Qualifications Framework {NSQF) to be implemented in educational systems throughout the Schools, Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities. The NSQF sets common principles and guidelines for a nationally recognized qualification system, covering schools, vocational education institutes and leading to international recognition of national standards. Under (NSQF) students will have he scope for vertical and horizontal mobility with multiple entry and exits.
We advise all our readers to keep themselves updated about the latest tools of IT with the help of Internet and other media resources available.
We wish you a very happy reading and hope that the knowledge acquired by you through this book is applicable in your day to day work.

Information Technology Class - IX (Code- 402) CBSE

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 1.5 cm

Dr. Jayant Sharma & Mukesh Kumar







No. of Pages



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